How to Choose a Year Verse


For many years one of my December practices was to consider a theme verse for the upcoming year. More times than not it proved to be my “north star,” guiding me through the uncharted months ahead.

Recently, however, for some reason or other, I fell out of this practice. And it wasn’t until this past week that I sensed the Lord prompting me to engage in this again.

I know that some of you have this habit firmly in place, and I want to affirm you for that. But for others of you, this is all new.  Let me encourage you to give it a try. You may not know where to start, so allow me to give you a process.

How to Choose Your Year Verse

  1. Begin with prayer.

    Rather than just opening your Bible and randomly selecting a verse, spend some time asking the Lord what HE wants you to focus on in light of the challenges you are facing or the circumstances that surround you. The answer to this may arise out of your regular Bible reading or in a church service. However, it may also not come in a spiritual setting. It may come as you are going about your day or driving in your car.

  2. Start with one word.

    Don’t go looking for a verse. Be sensitive to one word that seems to resonate with you in this season. Here are some examples: “grow,” “trust,” “healing,” “courage,” “rest,” “renew.” Once you have one that stands out to you, start praying about whether that is where you should focus. If, over some time, it sits well with your spirit, that word will be the key to finding your verse.

  3. Use a concordance to see where that word shows up in Scripture.

    You can find a free, good concordance HERE.  Scroll down the page to the box that says, “Search the Bible” and type in your word. You can choose between the King James Version and the New American Standard Version. Then hit “search.” You will see some of the key verses related to your word.

  4. Choose the verse that seems to best reflect where you are in your current circumstance.

    By the way, the verse you choose in January may not be the one you stick with for all twelve months. Seasons change. Situations change. What seemed to be the right verse for the beginning of the year, might not be the verse you need at the end of the year. Don’t be afraid to shift verses.

  5. Make sure you have a clear understanding of the verse including its immediate context.

    For example, lots of people choose Philippians 4:13, “I can do everything through him who gives me strength.” It’s a powerful verse. Yet this verse is not a promise that the Lord will strengthen us in everything we do. Paul was writing about God’s provision in the direst of circumstances. It’s a promise that in the middle of the greatest of difficulties, God will give you the capacity to overcome. That is how the verse needs to be understood.


My Year Verse

You might be wondering what verse I’ve chosen for 2024. Well, the word that has strongly come to my mind in recent months is “peace.” It seems like turmoil is all around with war in the Middle East and Ukraine. And then on the national front, there’s the political rancor and conflict that will only increase as we near the election next fall.

Moreover, I have so many friends and coachees who are facing pressure in their families, with their health, and in their church. I ache for them as well. So, for me, the word “peace” seemed appropriate.

Having come up with that word, I began to consider various verses on the subject. And, very quickly, I was drawn to Isaiah 26:3. I then considered which translation most appealed to me. In this case, I opted for the New King James Version. “You will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You” (NKJV).

I’m looking forward to leaning into this verse as the year unfolds. Amid all of the uncertainty, I’m going to focus on the One who is unshakable and whose Kingdom will endure forever.

I would love to hear from you regarding your word and your verse for the coming year. Leave a comment below. And may God richly bless you in the year to come with every spiritual blessing in Christ Jesus.


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