Dave DeSelm smiling with arms crossed.

Get Started

Welcome! My name is Dave DeSelm and I’m glad you’re here!

If you’re checking us out for the first time, let me tell you what this site is all about. It’s about giving you help and hope as you lead in your church.

Chances are you are an everyday pastor. You aren’t leading a mega-church or a huge organization. But you are faithfully serving the congregation in which God has placed you.  

And I’m sure you have dreams for yourself and your people. You want to flourish, to grow in your identity in Christ, and to make a Kingdom impact on your community. You want to equip the everyday people you lead to be the kind of disciples who live out their God-given mission every day.

But that is often easier said than done, isn’t it? If it was easy, you wouldn’t be here right now.

Let me tell you - after 40 years of pastoral experience - I get it.

I have faced my share of disappointments and failures. I understand the fatigue and discouragement that often accompany life in the ministry. I know what it’s like to deal with difficult people, money challenges and underperforming staff.

But there have also been some successes over the years. A few things I’ve learned that might be helpful for you too.

That’s what Dave DeSelm Ministries is all about. I want to take what I’ve learned over the nearly four decades of leading a local church, investing in pastors, speaking to church leaders all over the world, while being a husband, dad and grandpa … and share them with you.

So, let me give you a quick overview of the resources you’ll find on this site.

  • The Everyday Pastor: A blog offering practical insights for pastors and leaders. These posts cover issues related to the leader’s Heart, Skills, Relationships, and Discipleship. I’ve also curated collections of posts on Pastoring 101, Preaching, and Church Staff.

  • Devotionals for Everyday Disciples: These devotionals bring biblical inspiration for pastors and their people.

  • Coaching for Pastors: I offer personal, practical help for your journey as pastor in one-on-one coaching sessions and online coaching communities. Find out more here.

  • The Word for Everyday Disciples with Dave DeSelm: This weekly podcast brings biblical teaching to everyday people in ways they can understand and put into practice. Listen here.

  • Speaking: If you’re interested in having me speak at your church or event, you’ll find that info here.

To get in the loop of communication, you can also sign up for our weekly email updates.

Are you ready? Let’s start the journey together.

