Making Music with the Master

Close-up of a child’s hands playing the piano.

“Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we shall reap if we do not grow weary.”        

 Galatians 6:9


A wonderful story is often told about an incident in the life of Poland's famous concert pianist, Ignacy Paderewski.  

A mother took her small child to a concert by Paderewski to expose him to the talent of the great pianist.  She hoped as she did to encourage her son in his piano lessons, which he had just begun and was struggling to continue.   

They arrived early at the concert and were seated near the front.  Standing alone on the stage was a marvelous Steinway grand piano.  As they waited for the concert to begin, the mother entered into an animated conversation with the people beside her.  

Weary of waiting, her son squirmed constantly in his seat and eventually slipped out of it.  Making his way backstage, the boy found himself strangely drawn to the beautiful instrument sitting before him.

Eventually, eight o'clock came, and the lights began to dim. Everyone turned their attention to the stage and the grand piano.  The mother looked up and was suddenly horrified.  Her son was sitting at the piano and banging out with one little finger, "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star." 

"Oh no," she thought, "How am I going to get him down?"  She began to make her way to the platform when Paderewski himself appeared on stage.

He went over and sat down beside the boy. And then he whispered in the child's ear, "Don't quit; keep playing!"  As the little boy continued to play, Paderewski reached down with his left hand and began to fill in the bass part.  

Then with his right arm around the little boy, he added a running obbligato.  Together, the old master and the young novice held the crowd mesmerized. 


Becoming a Masterpiece

The story isn’t true, unfortunately. It’s a good illustration complete with the variations common among urban legends. Yet there’s something for all of us to see here.

As God’s children, many times we Christians are tempted to feel like we are spending our lives pecking out meaningless and inconsequential little tunes, thinking as we do that our gifts are just too small for the Lord to use in any significant way.  And yet, that is all He desires of us:  our willingness to use whatever talent(s) we have been given.  

It’s then that He comes along beside us, sits down next to us, and whispers in our ear, "Don't quit; keep playing."  With His subtle guidance and able assistance, we suddenly find ourselves making beautiful music both with and for God. We enrich both ourselves and others as we glorify Him.  

We may feel like we are spending our lives pecking out meaningless & inconsequential little tunes. Then Jesus comes along & whispers, "Don't quit; keep playing." Suddenly we find ourselves making beautiful music both with and for Him.

So, the next time you are tempted to think that your particular skill set is insignificant, or that your life is otherwise without meaning, remember this little story along with the words of the Apostle Paul and not lose heart or grow weary.

Because when we make music with the Master, it becomes a masterpiece – one that will be played for all eternity.

We make music with the Master, it becomes a masterpiece – one that will be played for all eternity.


Lord, I am so grateful for the privilege of playing a part in your divine symphony. And though it may be a small one, take it and use it and expand it so that we might make beautiful music together.






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