
The Creation of Adam in the Sistine Chapel.


“This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.”

I John 4:19


Arguably one of the greatest works of art in the history of the world is located on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican. Michelangelo’s brilliant painting is a bona fide masterpiece.

Have you ever taken the time to look at it carefully?  It’s not only an example of artistic beauty, but of solid theology.

The figure of God is extended toward man with great vigor.  He has twisted His body to move it as close to the man as possible.  His head is turned toward the man.  His gaze is fixed on the man.  God’s arm is outstretched; His index finger extended.

It’s as if in the midst of the splendor of all creation, God’s entire being is wrapped up in an impatient desire to close the gap between Himself and man.

Michelangelo wanted to convey that it is God’s implacable determination to reach out and be with the one He has created.  His love is reaching.  But having come that close, He allows a little space to remain.  Space so that Adam can choose.

Adam is more difficult to interpret.  His arm is partially extended toward God, but his body reclines in a lazy pose.  He is leaning backward and his gaze is half-hearted – as if he has little interest in making the connection.

The painting is traditionally called “The Creation of Adam,” but some scholars think it should be called “The Endowment of Adam.” 

Adam has already been given physical life.  His eyes are open.  He is fully conscious.

What is happening is that he is being offered life with God. 

One art critic writes, “All of man’s potential, physical and spiritual, is contained in that timeless moment.”


Reaching for life

For nearly half a millennium this picture has spoken of God’s great desire to be with the human beings He has made in His own image.  To be in an intimate relationship.

It also reminds us of a great truth: God is closer than we think. He is reaching out to us with the fullness of life and love in His touch. He is simply waiting for us to lift our gaze, reach out to Him, and receive it.

God is closer than we think. He is reaching out to us with the fullness of life and love in His touch. He is simply waiting for us to lift our gaze, reach out to Him, and receive it.

The story of the Bible isn’t primarily about the desire of people to be with God; it’s the desire of God to be with people. 

The story of the Bible isn’t primarily about the desire of people to be with God; it’s the desire of God to be with people.

From the beginning, Adam and Eve enjoyed the presence of the One who pursued them.  God would come to them and walk with them in the cool of the day.

Though sin broke that intimacy, it didn’t break God’s desire to have it restored.  That desire was revealed vividly when He sent His Son to pay the penalty for our sin.

Though sin broke that intimacy, it didn’t break God’s desire to have it restored.  That desire was revealed vividly when He sent His Son to pay the penalty for our sin.

Thus it is that the offer in the painting is still made.  God still reaches.  He reaches to those who have yet to know life with Him.  And He reaches to those who have come to know Him yet are hesitant or indifferent to respond.

Life with God.  It’s possible.  Will you reach for it today?



Oh my God, I am stunned by Your passion for us and Your desire to be with us.  And I am pained by how, all too often, I have the attitude that Adam portrayed in the painting.  May I recognize the immensity of what you are offering.  And may I respond with like passion.


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