Why Am I Still Here?


Oh, that we might know the Lord! Let us press on to know him.

Hosea 6:3a (NLT)

Some time back, as part of her devotions, Gwen read an exceptional little book titled, Letters to the Thirsty. Like a trusted, personal mentor, author, Edward Miller, responds to some of our deepest questions, hopes, and fears about walking with God.

In one of the chapters, Miller addresses a question that many of us have asked: “Why didn’t God take me to heaven the moment I trusted Jesus?”

Ever wondered that?

On the surface, the question makes sense. Everything would be better in heaven. No more sin. No more suffering. We would be reunited with our loved ones and be in the presence of the Lord.

The typical answer given to this question is, “God must have a special work for me to accomplish for Him.” And there may well be some truth in that.

However, Miller suggests that there’s a more foundational truth to be grasped. “God in His mercy does not keep us alive because of some mission we have to perform, but rather because He desires to reveal Himself to us on earth in ways impossible in heaven.”

For example:

  • Only on earth can we know God as our Sustainer through trouble because in heaven there is no trouble.

  • Only on earth can we know God as one who enters into suffering with us because in heaven there is no suffering.

  • Only on earth can we know God as our Fortress and Defender, for who opposes us in heaven?

  • Only on earth can we know God as our Comforter because in heaven nothing disturbs our comfort.

  • Only on earth can we know God as the One who lifts up our heads.

  • Only on earth can we know God as the One whose everlasting arms will catch and support us.

A God to Know

Miller summarizes this with a profound point: “We are not left here on earth because we have a job to do, but because we have a God to know.”

To be sure, our understanding of God will be totally complete once we’re home in glory. We’ll see Him not through the veil of faith but face to face.

However, our awe of Him will be intensified when we reflect back on all that He was to us and did for us while we walked, stumbled, and even suffered in this broken world.

“Far more than any job to do, far more than any work to accomplish, we have a great God to know! That is why you are not in heaven at this very moment.”

Let me encourage you, my friends, to lean into this. And when life happens to you – with its ups and downs – why not default to this response: “What do You want me to learn about You through this?”


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